Our Children

Bridget Namawanje

  • Age: 13

  • Hobby: Playing

  • Future Career: Comedian

Bridget’s father abandoned his wife as soon as he realized she was pregnant. He did not want to deal with the burden of caring for a child. Bridget’s mother worked at the steel rolling factory where she was paid very low wages. She could barely feed her child and meet her basic needs. A probation officer contacted HOU to rescue Bridget. Today she is thriving, talkative and loves to make jokes.

Dorothy Nakayemba

  • Age: 10

  • Hobby: Singing

  • Future Career: Musician

Dorothy’s mother died as a teenager giving birth to her daughter. Her grandmother cared for her but already struggled with raising her own children and caring for her husband who had cancer with no steady income. A pastor told HOU about Dorothy and HOU agreed to take in the baby. When she first arrived, Dorothy was malnourished and very small. However with consistent care she steadily gained weight over the next few months. Dorothy today is a happy little girl who loves to play with her friends, and to sing.

Gloria Apinyi

  • Age: 11

  • Hobby: Making Friends

  • Future Career: Police Officer

Gloria’s mother and father both died in the Joseph Kony war in northern Uganda when the rebels attacked their village. Gloria ended up on the streets of Kampala at the age of 5. Her actual name and age are not known. She was named Gloria to glorify God that she was alive and Apinyi as that is how she used to say her name. She is estimated to be about 11 years old. When she came to the orphanage she had a lot of anger, but thank God, she is now a calm child.

Jane Namukooza

  • Age: 9

  • Hobby: Reading

  • Future Career: Teacher

Jane’s mother abandoned her after giving birth and never returned. The village authority where she lived contacted HOU who agreed to take her in. Jane is a clever child who has thrived under the care she has received. She loves to eat!!

Juliet Nakato

  • Age: 14

  • Hobby: Playing Netball

Juliet and her twin sister, Ruth, lost their mother when they were born. Childbirth is a major cause of death for women in Uganda. By the time the twins’ mother was rushed to hospital it was too late. They were left in the care of their grandmother who was ill and unable to care for them properly. There is nothing known about their father.

Kimera Isa

  • Age: 14

  • Hobby: Playing Football

  • Future Career: Football Player

Isa was abandoned by his mother and his grandmother was too sick to continue to take care of him. HOU was contacted for help and agreed to take him in. His grandmother hopes his mother will return, and she wants to take care of him but is unable due to her health. Isa is happy at HOU. He is an active boy who loves to run and play football, and he is a good listener.

Lilian Nabanja

  • Age: 9

  • Hobby: Socializing with Friends

  • Future Career: Doctor

Lilian has a Muslim father who had many wives. Her mother was a Christian so did not have status as a wife according to Muslim law. Because her father was not doing well financially he disowned Lilian and her mother, who subsequently committed suicide. Her father would not care for her and it is thought that he sold his land and moved to an unknown village. Lilian is a very social girl who loves playing with other children.

Lilian Nantogo

  • Age: 13

  • Hobby: Reading Books

  • Future Career: Nurse

Lilian and her mother were in a bad home situation. Her father had two wives and did not take care of Lilian and her mother. Lilian’s mother decided to leave him and find a better life for herself and her daughter. She approached HOU and was taken on as a caregiver for the children, thus providing a home for herself and Lilian who is now healthier, happier and doing well at school.

Moreen Nabakooza

  • Age: 9

  • Hobby: Playing

  • Future Career: Nurse

Moreen’s mother died when she was 3 years old. Her parents were not married and her father already had a family so Moreen was taken to the family of his uncle. The uncle’s wife abused the young Moreen to the extent that neighbors were concerned and brought her to HOU. She was malnourished, but now is growing well with regular care and food.

Florence Nabakeera

  • Age: 10

  • Future Career: Teacher

Florence’s father died from tetanus after being cut by a sharp object at work. She was left with her ailing grandmother who was not able to care for her properly. She asked HOU to take Florence; shortly after that she passed away. Florence is a good student and hopes to become a teacher when she grows up.

Hariet Nabunjo

  • Age: 12

  • Hobby: Singing

  • Future Career: Singer

Hariet’s mother was raped as an adolescent by a lunatic man in a slum called Kosovo in the village of Lusaze. Later her mother contracted AIDS and in 2016 she died. Hariet was severely traumatized but has adjusted well to being at HOU and is now happy. She has not become HIV positive, and has a bright future and a chance to excel through the education she is receiving at HOU. Hariet is very active and loves to laugh. She sings a lot and picks up songs easily. She can also be very stubborn and even make boys cry! She loves to learn and asks a lot of challenging questions.

Monica Nagujja

  • Age: 15

  • Hobby: Singing

  • Future Career: Nurse

Monica was living on the streets in Kampala when she approached a taxi and asked Teddy for a coin to buy food. Teddy asked her for her name and where her mother was. Monica replied that her mother had died and she didn’t know where her father was. When Monica took her to where she was sleeping with other children, Teddy decided to take her to HOU for care. Monica loves to learn at school and hopes to become a nurse.

Nakato and Wasswa Henry

  • Age: 13

  • Hobby: Playing Football and Dancing

Nakato and Wasswa are twins who were found abandoned in a garbage bin as newborns. It was located in Teddy’s area so she was able to rescue them. The case was reported to the police but 13 years later still nothing is known about their origins. The twins are kind, loving and welcoming to everyone.

Nakato and Wasswa now have a sponsor!

Josephine Nakanwagi

  • Age: 16

  • Hobby: Cooking

Josephine’s father died from HIV AIDS when she was very young and when she was 8 years old her mother also died. Josephine and her 4 year old sister, Winnie, had to take care of themselves. They worked on a tea plantation working long hours, hauling heavy baskets filled with tea, with no breaks and often no food. When their plight was reported to HOU, they were transferred there in poor health. Now they are thriving and happy girls.

Justine Nakiwolo

  • Age: 15

  • Hobby: Making Arts & Crafts

Justine was among the first homeless children who were rescued from the streets of Kampala by HOU. There is nothing known about her background. She is one of the oldest children at the orphanage. Justine enjoys going to school and making art.

Sylvia Namakula

  • Age: 11

  • Hobby: Writing

  • Future Career: Teacher

Sylvia’s mother died instantly in a car accident when her daughter was only 2. She was given into the custody of an uncle who did not care for her properly. At the point where she was dying of malnutrition a church rescued her and took her to the police, and they brought her to HOU. Sylvia was immediately admitted to hospital where she was stabilized. Her uncle fled from the police who were seeking him for his treatment of a minor. Sylvia has done well at HOU and is thriving.

Bridget Namtovu

  • Age: 12

  • Hobby: Reading Books

  • Future Career: Teacher

Bridget’s mother had complications after her birth and was advised by the witch doctor not to take her out of the house. People from the community became concerned about the mother mistreating Bridget and contacted the police. They reported that she no longer wanted the child, and the father was imprisoned with no known date of release. The police contacted HOU to take Bridget who was very malnourished and needed several weeks in the hospital to regain her health. After years at HOU Bridget is a happy girl who loves to read!

Bridget Namawejje

  • Age: 13

  • Hobby: Singing

  • Future Career: Nurse

Bridget lost her father when she was 4 years old. Her mother did not have a job so she sent Bridget to work for a family as a cook and babysitter. A concerned neighbor eventually reported the situation to the local authorities who realized that this was a child labor. They contacted HOU to take Bridget as her mother had gone into hiding. Nothing has been heard of her mother since Bridget came to HOU.

Winnie Namayanja

  • Age: 12

  • Hobby: Playing

  • Future Career: Business Woman

Winnie’s father died from HIV AIDS when she was very young and when she was 4 years old her mother also died. Winnie and her 8 year old sister , Josephine, had to take care of themselves. They worked on a tea plantation working long hours, hauling heavy baskets filled with tea, with no breaks and often no food. When their plight was reported to HOU, they were transferred there in poor health. Now they are thriving and happy girls.

Rose Nanjija

  • Age: 10

  • Hobby: Painting & Drawing

  • Future Career: Artist

Rose sat on the street each day in the same place , wearing the same dirty old dress, begging for food. Teddy observed her for several days then gave her a t-shirt as she did not have money. A couple of days later Teddy checked back with Rose and found her without the t-shirt, crying because she was so weak and malnourished. Teddy took her for food and decided to take her into HOU. Probation officers were involved and searched but have never found any of her relatives. Rose is a happy soul now enjoying three meals a day and going to school where she tries her best. She has struggled to learn the 3-Rs but has excelled in painting and singing.

Goret Nankinga

  • Age: 14

  • Hobby: Playing Netball

  • Future Career: Nurse

Goret came to HOU as a frightened little baby. Her teenage mother was living with her mother, but one day she left the baby at a police station with a note asking the probation officer to find a home for her baby then she disappeared. Nothing has been heard from her since and it is not known if she is dead or alive. Nothing is known about Goret’s father either as her mother did disclose any information about him. When Goret first arrived at HOU she cried constantly and just wanted to be held. She has struggled with sleeping at night and does not like to be alone. She struggles a lot with self-esteem and trusting others.

Brenda Nanono

  • Age: 14

  • Hobby: Reading Books

  • Future Career: Lawyer

In July, 2016, Teddy was distributing family kits in a village. In one of the homes she saw many little children sitting on the floor. They looked malnourished and unhealthy. The woman in charge told her that the children were orphans. Teddy was drawn to Brenda as she was in a very sad state; her stomach was distended, her hair was yellow and she had bad skin. Brenda’s parents had both died of HIV AIDS. Within a day Brenda was able to come to HOU where she has grown and thrived into a healthy, happy girl.

Shanita Nanyombi

  • Age: 12

  • Hobby: Knitting

  • Future Career: Fashion Designer

There is not much known about Shanita as she was found at a garbage collection site as a baby. She was picked up by the local leaders and brought to HOU. Her name was given to her by Teddy, and her age approximated. Shanita is a very reserved child.

Angel Nanyonga

  • Age: 11

  • Hobby: Singing

  • Future Career: Teacher

Angel is an angelic child. Her mother came to HOU in 2016 at age 17, claiming to have been raped. She told staff that it was hard for her to feed the baby and that she wanted to go back to school. Angel was accepted at HOU, but surprisingly her mother never came back to claim her. There is no information about her father.

Alaisha Natabi

  • Age: 11

  • Hobby: Writing

  • Future Career: Teacher

Alaisha lost her mother when she was only 2 years old. Her mother was involved in a road accident and died instantly. Alaisha was placed in the custody of an uncle but he did not care well for her. She was close to death from malnutrition when she was brought to HOU. She was hospitalized immediately and recovered. Now she is a growing girl who is doing well in school and loves to read. She plays well with other children and likes to write on the ground.

Carolyn Natabi

  • Age: 12

  • Hobby: Making Friends

  • Future Career: Teacher

Carolyn and her mother, who was very ill with AIDS, were abandoned by her father. Before he left, he sold their home and property leaving Carolyn and her mother with the only option of moving in with neighbors. Her mother was in and out of the hospital. The AIDS clinic brought Carolyn to HOM for help and they accepted the child. Carolyn is extremely obedient; if she is told to sit she will not get up until she is told she may. She is a little “diva” who loves dressing up for church, and she loves making friends.

Erin Nsubuga

  • Age: 10

  • Hobby: Making Friends

  • Future Career: Mechanic

Erin was rescued from a slum in Kampala. His mother was very poor and could not afford food for him. He was left all day with other little children to fend for himself. Teddy found him when he was 7 years old and realized he was malnourished. She took him to HOU where he has received food, education, love, a safe environment and a future. Erin is an active boy who enjoys playing hide and seek, making friends and fixing things. He does not particularly like book learning but always has a smile on his face.

Ruth Babirye

  • Age: 14

  • Hobby: Reading Books

  • Future Career: Teacher

Ruth and her twin sister, Juliet, lost their mother when they were born. Childbirth is a major cause of death for women in Uganda. By the time the twin’s mother was rushed to hospital it was too late. They were left in the care of their grandmother who was ill and unable to care for them properly. There is nothing known about their father.

Jovin Senfuka

  • Age: 10

  • Hobby: Making Cars

  • Future Career: Mechanic

Jovin was found begging on the streets of Kampala with other children but he was too young to manage street life. Older children used him to beg for them as he would win sympathy. His older brother was with him but he was using drugs and always high. Jovin was yearning for a home and adjusted easily to living at HOU. He has no memory of his parents but he loves God and is happy. He looks forward to going to school each day and to becoming a mechanic when he grows up.

Lawrence Ssemombwe

  • Age: 11

  • Hobby: Playing Football

Lawrence and his brother, Luke’s father was killed while stealing other people’s cows. There is no information about their mother. The boys were left with relatives who were not able to properly care for them so they started dropping out of school and meandering in trading centers at a young age. One day Teddy encountered them while buying food. Luke was sitting in the bushes with torn and very dirty clothes. It had been weeks since he had bathed. He told Teddy his story who brought Lawrence and his brother to HOU for care.